nicolas stagliano

// adept jibber-jabberer //


About the Website

This is my website. Mostly just for my blog, though eventually I would like to add more personal projects here. I designed the HTML/CSS for this site myself. Feel free to browse. If you want to have a dialogue about anything I’ve written in my blog, email me. I love talking about this stuff.

I intend to list more projects here, and would like to post a couple of write-ups in addition to my blog. There are some projects in the works, so in theory you should be able to find them here at a later date, but I do NOT know when that date may be. Could be a couple of weeks, could be a year. Just depends on how much the muse takes me.

Shakespeare Discord server

So, I really like this shakespeare community I'm a part of online, I figure I'll post it here just to promote it. You don't have to be a shakespeare fanatic to join, there's people that like any kind of literature. Here is the link:

Recent updates to this website

as of March 27 2024 I'm making this little section on the homepage so that returning people can see what's new.

July 25, 2024 // added a post to my blog, about obsession with my project.

July 22, 2024 // Added Tumblr and Pinterest to socials category

March 27, 2024 // Added Shakespeare server link to the socials page and to the homepage

March 27, 2024 // Added Macbeth screenplay idea to projects category


The site's icon is from Freepik.